Bill Noble
a.k.a: Exterminance; Abbandon; Leto Atreides II; 14Guard88
Noble, born April 8, 1976, in the British Columbian wilderness near
Now, put some tall skinny kid who has been isolated from people his own age for much of his life - which could only have limited his social skills considerably - and whose family might be considered weird into a high school and one can quickly establish that Noble would fast become a subject of ridicule and abuse. This is apparently what happened, as Noble was mercilessly bullied throughout high school. To this day Noble is concerned with the idea of being the subject of a physical attack; he claims to once carried a knife with him for protection.
When reading many of his posts in Stormfront, VNN, or his own blog, one will note Noble's slavish devotion to
I recommend a three-step plan:
3) The Day of the Rope. Only a society with absolute dedication to proper justice can hope to prevent the lunacy of Liberalism from once more taking hold and making a mess like today's, with open doors for all immigrating aliens, and criminals having more rights than their victims.
I plan to take a wife and retreat to the forests of the
Take a wife? Who in the 21st century talks like that? Noble's other postings are also enlightening, if less amusing, such as his admiration of a serial killer:
He [Joseph Paul Franklin] shot at Flynt? After the Day of the Rope I say we build a 500 foot statue of Joseph Paul Franklin. [
Man, when I think of the goings-on at my place of employment... it'd be nice for someone like Joseph drop by for lunch.
I need to stop being Nice and start being more, um... Orderly [a reference to Robert Jay Matthew's terrorist group known as the Order, or the Silent Brotherhood.]
In the above quotes, one will notice a reference to the infamous, "day of the rope", a phrase popularized by William Pierce in his novel, The Turner Diaries. Noble claims not to advocate violence (he has previously stated that he hasdnever read Pierce’s book and is not familiar with what Pierce intended to mean when he wrote of the day of the rope). Given how deeply Noble has immersed himself in the racist movement, and given he has a hand drawn picture on his blog of one of the punishments he would mete out on this day of the rope (hanging certain classes of "criminals" with their own intestines), To us, this is a tad disingenuous.
Noble appeared to be styling himself as the next Fuhrer, his idol, as he has posted pictures of himself sporting a Hitler moustache as well as an actual shrine to Hitler. In fact, Noble was trying to recruit skinheads in the
Does this guy EVER look like the Goudreau-monster from Ottawa. Scary.....if you're a recalcitrant child